We advise Boards and C-Suite Leaders: Boards, Presidents, Board of Directors, EXCOM:

  • Both in their search for a prospective vision, creating new perspectives: strategy, vision, values, governance,
  • And in the operational deployment of the guidelines released.

Examples of Assignments:

  • Composition of the Board
  • M&A + HR Due Diligence
  • Succession Plan
  • Values Creation
  • Executive seminars
  • Well-being & performance
  • Remuneration
  • Diversity: cultural, generational, gender, skills etc.
  • Advisory of the President, GM etc.
  • Change Management (including digital transformation for example)
  • Teams Mobilization and involvement
  • Sparring Partnership

Thus, whether it is a challenge facing the company, the organisation, or the career of a leader, individually,

We help you to serve your long-term vision, integrating short-term requirements and constraints, towards sustainable growth and shared development.

We listen to you, share your thoughts and answer your needs: contact@alspective.com